Profits are estimated to rise by 22 percent this year, all from sex ads, according to the Advanced Interactive Media Group, which is monitoring the classifieds site already 7 years ago. It furnished estimates of sex-ad revenue, which it based on the number of ads counted on Craigslist during the month of February multiplied by the $10 fee for such ads. Usually does not charge anything, but the site takes in money for sex ads,not to forget certain real estate and job ads.
Not responding to any qustions about this increase in sex-ad revenues. The company which is based in San Francisco which remains to be private, does not disclose its revenues, which AIM Group estimated were $100 million last year based on counting the number of advertisements on sites.Currently one-third of Craiglist’s expected $122 million in revenues, or more than $36 million, are foreseen to be mainly from sex ads.Because of this the company is seriously questioned.
Top Money-Making Website: Craiglist by Jerry Shum is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 Hong Kong License.
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