Friday, July 16, 2010

Firefox Sync updated~!

email post

What is Firefox Sync 


Firefox Sync is an add-on that lets you synchronize your bookmarks, history, passwords and open tabs with another copy of Firefox – like one on another computer or on a mobile phone. This article briefly explains how it all works and why you'd want to use it.

Table Of Contents

What does it do?

Fire​fox ​Sync​ lets​ you ​take​ all ​your​ Fire​fox ​data​ (such​ as your​ book​mark​s, history, pass​word​s and ​open​ tabs​) with​ you wherever​ you ​go. You ​​just inst​all ​Fire​fox ​Sync​ on your​ home computer​ and set up an account. Your​ Fire​fox ​data​ will​ then​ be securely​ stored on our ​servers ​and ​synchronized automatically from​ then​ on. Then, when you set up Firefox Sync on your work computer (or even​ your​ phone running ​Fire​fox), your​ Firefox ​data​ will be automatically synchronized​ with​ your​ home​ computer​.

Why should I use it?

Firefox Sync makes it easy to surf the Web on your PC, get up and go and have everything (open tabs, saved passwords, browsing history and bookmarks) waiting for you on your phone just the way you left it. Ever tried typing in passwords or long URLs on your phone? Now you don't have to – Firefox Sync will fill them in for you! And what's more, the sync is two-way. So if you bookmark a great new site on your work computer, Firefox Sync will make sure that bookmark shows up on your computer at home.

That's enough explanation – just show me how to use this thing

I still have questions – tell me more

What's the secret phrase?

The secret phrase is what Firefox Sync uses to encrypt your data before it sends it to the server. Think of it as a key that locks up your data in a vault that only you can open. You then store this locked vault with your data on the server. This means the server can never read your information and that even if an attacker was able to gain access to your data they wouldn't be able to read it without knowing your secret phrase.

Where's all my data?

It's encrypted and stored on the Mozilla servers.

Can I customize my settings?

You bet. When you set up Firefox Sync you can choose which items you want it to sync. See these articles and give it a try:

Firefox Sync isn't working, what can I do?

Try this troubleshooting article.


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