Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Check Your Firefox Plugins!

email post

Check Your Firefox Plugins!

Office chairs and Supplies
Sponsor link:

Keeping your third-party plugins up to date helps Firefox run safely and smoothly.

Keeping your third-party plugins up to date helps Firefox run safely and smoothly.

  • Step 1: Click Update to update a plugin.
  • Step 2: Complete all recommended updates before restarting your browser.

Spread the Word with a Badge

Help protect your friends! With a badge on your site, you can:
  • Use JavaScript to detect plugins
  • Warn people if they have outdated plugins!

How to Use a Badge on Your Site

  1. Choose from the sizes below.
  2. Copy the code below the badge.
  3. Paste it into your blog or other website.
We can check your plugins and stuff