Friday, February 11, 2011

Online and Web-influenced in store sales will grow to 53 percent of total retail sales by 2014

email post

Top 10 Reasons to Choose MySQL for Online Retail

Online and Web-influenced in store sales will grow to 53 percent of total retail sales by 2014 according to independent research firm, Forrester Research, Inc. *

New technologies have offered people greater choice in the way they shop. Winning retailers adopt Web 2.0 technologies and best practices in order to improve their customers' online experience, cost-effectively create "buzz" about their offerings and boost their revenues.
This Whitepaper will help you better understand how to leverage MySQL to get the most of the opportunity the social web represents.
* US Online Retail Forecast, 2009 To 2014, Forrester Research, Inc., March 5, 2010

Publish to your Blogger blog from iGoogle

email post

Publish to your Blogger blog from iGoogle

Today, we’re releasing our Blogger Post Gadget for iGoogle. Now you can edit and publish posts directly from your custom iGoogle homepage, making it even easier to share your thoughts with the world.

Add to Google

To get started, just click that “+ Google” button to have the Blogger Post Gadget added to your iGoogle page.

You can use HTML in the text box, but if you want more rich text editing — for example, to upload a photo — just click “Save Draft” and you’ll get a link to edit the post in the full Blogger post editor.

The gadget xml url: